I have become increasingly passionate about encouraging people to continue doing things they love. Simply from a health standpoint. I have noticed that so many people (women specifically) give up on passions and put themselves on the back burner because they dive into their work or family whole heartedly and find themselves lost. And while I am completely in support of giving your children and family all that you have and bettering yourself in your career, I am not in support of losing yourself. It is so crucial to make space for pursuing things that make you happy. I don’t know how we have developed this idea that we outgrow our passions. Our passions may not become our careers, but they deserve continued space in our life.
When a person is fulfilling their passion, their joy spills over into so many other areas of their life, including their health. You have to ask yourself what fills your tank? Try to remember what once made you happy.
For me, dancing was always my passion growing up. When I graduated from college I was lost. Dance was my identity and without it, I didn’t know what my purpose was. I have had to find other ways to keep dance and creativity in my life. It’s my outlet. I hope to be tapping into my 90’s because it makes me happy. When I dance, Kyle says I smile bigger, I laugh louder, and I’m overall happier. It spills over into our marriage because he loves seeing me so happy. He said it’s very attractive to watch me pursue my passion. We were all given a love for something. Something that lights us up. And too many of us let the light die out.
Whenever I’m asked to dance, my immediate reaction is, “I’m too busy.” It’s not exactly convenient. For some reason it’s really easy to prioritize everyday responsibilities over passions, especially when they don’t make you any money. But you have to remember, it pays in other ways!
We are constantly encouraging others to focus on improving their health. But in this new year, we are focusing on encouraging others to find joy. We hope you rekindle your flame. Pursue what makes you happiest. A lack of passion is fatal. Studies have found that there are actual physical benefits that come from people pursuing their passion and feeling fulfilled. Benefits include lower blood pressure, better sleep, decrease in depression, improved brain health and so much more! Finding joy may be just the boost you need to improve your overall health.
Let me get one thing straight, my purpose is not and never was to become a dancer. I’m right where I’m supposed to be. I’m not the same dancer I once was. But that’s ok! You don’t have to be perfect! Just keep moving! Dancing still gives me so much joy and connects me to other passionate people that simply make me happy. It’s contagious. And that energy spills over into every other area of my life.
Oprah got it right when she said, “Passion is energy. Feel the power by focusing on what excites you.”